Welcome to the beginning of an exciting journey! If you’ve landed here, it’s likely because you have a blog or are contemplating starting one to supplement your income, or perhaps even turn it into a full-time gig. Just like you, I aspire for my blog, “Business Atlas” to become a profitable venture. During my research, I stumbled upon a YouTube video entitled “$0 to $4,000 per month in 1 year with a Blog in 2022 – How we’d do it,” by Income School.

The video makes a bold claim: the possibility of earning $4,000 per month within a year. It’s a goal that many aspire to, but can it truly be achieved? That’s the question this blog series aims to answer.

I reside in the Philippines, so my target income will be measured in Philippine Peso (Php). Welcome to my experiment,

“From Php 0 to Php 200,000 per Month Blog Experiment.”

Chief Cartographer

Income School Premise

Income School arrived at the $4,000 per month figure by calculating the average earnings from several blog sites they manage, in addition to the earnings generated by their students.

On average, these websites earn Php 1,640 for every 1,000 page views.

To achieve an income of Php 200,000 per month, they calculated the number of page views needed. They divided Php 200,000 by Php 1,640, and then multiplied it by 1,000. This calculation results in approximately 121,951 page views required each month for the blog.

Based on their research, they have established that they consistently receive 715 page views per post

They then divided the required 121,951 page views by the average of 715 page views per post, the result is approximately 171. This indicates the number of blog posts needed to attract traffic and generate an average revenue of Php 1,640 per month.

Screenshot from Video

Income School Timeline

The bulk of the critical work is front-loaded in the first month, with the subsequent months involving routine posting and searching for new blog topics within your chosen niche. In the initial month, we need to:

  • Identify or narrow down a niche.
  • Conduct thorough search analysis and keyword research.
  • Create 30 posts on that niche, ideally totaling 60,000 words that are ideally low competition
  • Prepare for monetization through affiliate links and products. Target is to start with 5-10 products that you already know and could recommend
  • Build a website if you haven’t already.
  • Snippet Optimization
  • Internal Linking- so site needs to be structured really well

Most important goal during this month is to gain authority early on within a couple of sub-niches or some categories within the chosen niche. You need posts you can win early on so it helps the site to snowball to success if some articles to rank really well

Business Atlas Blog Niche and Strategy

I believe in honestly pursuing my passions and interests, and for me, that means delving into the world of business. I launched this blog because my mind constantly teems with business ideas. Unlike many other business blogs, I will provide highly detailed content, including business names, locations, cost breakdowns, preferred equipment brands, and material sources.

Starting from August 30, 2023, I commit to regularly updating you at the end of each week about my progress, challenges, and insights in this venture. I will maintain transparency regarding my income and share my plans for monetizing the blog.

Furthermore, my deep love for illustration and writing has led me to a long-standing dream of writing a book, which is one of my monetization goals. I will also actively participate in affiliate marketing through Involve Asia, sell products on Shopee and this website, accept donations, and explore crowdfunding options.

As my blog gains momentum, I may introduce a membership program. I encourage you to subscribe now to stay informed.

I firmly embrace the idea that “pressure is privilege,” and I’m eager to explore avenues such as Facebook ads and social media promotion through my illustrations to boost traffic.”

List of Topics

  1. Scented Candle Making Business
  2. Soap Making Business
  3. Sticker and Stationary Business
  4. Hand Tufting or Artisanal Rug Making Business
  5. HeirloomSeed Selling Business
  6. Fresh Aquarium Plants Growing Business
  7. Balaw Balaw Business
  8. Condiment Making Business
  9. Dried Fruit Business
  10. Tomato Paste Business
  11. Ginger Paste Business
  12. Coconut Products
  13. Products from Shells
  14. Lily Products
  15. Printed Illustration
  16. Acrylic Products
  17. Clap Products
  18. Cement and Stone BUsiness
  19. Magnet Products
  20. Apparel Business
  21. Assembled Furniture
  22. Custom Book Business
  23. Contract Brewing Business
  24. Coffee Roasting Business
  25. Sagada Team
  26. Specialty Vinegar
  27. Selling Kids Activities in Shopee
  28. Leather Goods Business
  29. Dried Fish and Animal Products
  30. Pickle Ball Club
  31. Wall Climbing and Bouldering Club
  32. Starting a Cafe Business

I’ll link the blog post after writing it =)


  • I want to be honest to my passion and interest. That way it would also be easier for me. Hence it would be with regards to business. I started this blog because of the number of business ideas that goes to my mind on a daily basis. Unlike other business blogs mine would be detailed. I’ll have business names, locations and costings right away. What brand equipments to be used and where the materials would be supplied
  • Today is August 30, 2023. I’ll post at the end of every week what I’ve done with regards to this challenge or insights.
  • I’ll be transparent and candid with my income and how I plan to monetize
  • I love illustration and drawing. I’ve been for years wanting this to. Also write a book (One of the monetization I’d like)
  • I’ll also do affiliate marketing using involve Asia. Selll via shopee and this website
  • accept donations and do crowd fundings
  • When this blog gains traction I might offer membership. Thus, best subscribe now ______
  • I believe that “pressure is privilege” So I’ll do my best in reaching this target. I might do some ads using facebook
  • I’ll illustrate because I want to advertise using social media

Post here exact schedule of post…. timeline starting September 1… para Hindi ghost month

The Purpose of This Blog Series

Why am I embarking on this journey publicly? This blog series serves two key purposes:

  1. Assessing Viability: We want to examine whether the strategy presented in the video is realistic. Does it hold up when applied in practice, or are there hidden challenges and nuances to consider?
  2. Providing a Realistic Perspective: Blogging is a field filled with promises and potential pitfalls. We aim to provide you with a candid view of what it takes to grow a blog into a sustainable income source. This isn’t just a ‘get-rich-quick’ scheme; it’s an experiment in real-time entrepreneurship. The main value of my blog is to be honest and specific so the content would be valuable

In each post, we’ll dissect a specific aspect of the strategy from the video, breaking it down and offering insights, observations, and, most crucially, results. By the end of this series, you’ll have a clearer understanding of whether the “$0 to $4,000 per month” challenge is achievable and what it truly entails.

So, fasten your seatbelts and join us on this journey of unraveling the world of blogging and income generation. The road ahead may be challenging, but it promises to be enlightening. Are you ready to put the strategy to the test? Let’s find out!

Stay tuned for our next post!